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Skin Smoother

Skin Smoother

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Regular price ¥8,250
Sale price ¥8,250
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A cream containing 0.5% resveratrol derivative to prevent fine lines caused by dryness.
It has a smooth texture and gives you radiant skin with less noticeable fine lines.
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    A smooth texture that reduces the appearance of fine lines for a radiant complexion
    A cream containing 0.5% resveratrol derivative that prevents fine lines caused by dryness
    Botulinum peptides are genetically modified to be safe for your skin.

    A peptide made by safely genetically modifying botulinum bacteria (synthetic recombinant oligopeptide-91 botulinum polypeptide-1) has a softening and conditioning effect on the skin, thereby giving firmness to aged skin.

    Resveratrol: A hot topic in the longevity gene

    Contains 0.5% resveratrol dimethyl ether glucoside, a derivative of resveratrol, which gives skin firmness and prevents fine lines caused by dryness.